F3 Medina

The Capper

Sat., Apr. 20, 2024


Sat., Apr. 20, 2024 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / AI Root Middle School



We completed a murph with whatever personal mods deemed appropriate.


Just finished what I thought was a phenomenal book (Scarcity Brain by Michael Easter… author of Comfort Crisis). However, when thinking about what to share from it with the group I was clueless… completely blank… so, when talking with @Squid, I said I loved it but apparently it’s not memorable… so, probably not a good book… his response was phenomenal (as most his responses are):

“It can be enjoyable but not memorable.  Kind of like a walk… it is almost always enjoyable but not memorable…. I still always recommend a walk to people” – @Squid

A reminder to be present. Enjoy what is front of you and become better for it… even if it doesn’t become fortunate enough to be a lasting memory.

“It’s like drunk sex.” – @Dash