F3 Medina

The Capper

Sat., Apr. 23, 2022

Let It Go

Sat., Apr. 23, 2022 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / AI Root Middle School

French Lick


Warmup started with the sunrise as we were near 60 degrees in Tropical Medina for the 0700 posting then continued at midfield with some tally taps, hip flexors, back arches and thigh stretch.


Mosey to the east end zone to begin letting go our past to move forward
5 burpees at the goal line then sprint to the west end zone with a mosey back to the east end zone. Pax then walked to the 5 yd line, performed 5 burpees then sprinted the 95 yards to the west end zone with a mosey back to the east end zone and then walked to the 10 yard line. There, you guessed it, 5 burpees then a 90 yd sprint. Repeating until all reached the west end goal line for the last 5 burpees and a mosey back. Those who finished got the reward of circling back and picking up the six (me at the west end end 15 yard line) and etc until we left no man behind and all finished together.


Performed MOM which I this case was Moment of Mediation. Performed 4x4x4x4 box breathing.