F3 Medina

The Capper

Sat., Apr. 27, 2024

The Audible

Sat., Apr. 27, 2024 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / AI Root Middle School



On a timer, PAX completed the following exercises and then mosey’d across the field for recovery.

Round 1:
30 sec burpees
30 sec merkins
30 sec squats
30 sec dips/tricep choice
30 single leg squats
30 single leg squats *both legs again, or the other leg

Compass Plank – Q let everyone know where North was! Then after some confused mumble chatter – we all completed 2:30 of hi/lo plank while changing cardinal directions on Q’s command.

Round 2:
30 sec Overhead Press
30 sec Curls for those Girls
30 Lawnmowers (switch arms halfway)
30 sec dips/tricep choice
30 alt arm chest press



Circle of Pain for more Mary – 20 counts from each PAX – Scissor kicks, Crunchy Frogs, LBCs, LBCs, Cobra – Mtn Climbers, Foot to Knee side crunch Right, Foot to Knee side crunch Left, Chatarunga for 20 count, Superman lifts for 10 reps and then a 10count hold to finish it off.


Take time to do things with your kids. It means the world to them, even if you’re exhausted and all you can think about is how much you want to lay down and take a nice long nap. I took time out at the end of my day yesterday to take mine to the REC pool and they had a blast. 3 out of 4 told me at different times “This is the best day ever!” It made me feel so good knowing I’m making great memories with my little ones. It was a good dad moment for me and I just wanted to share that with you guys.