F3 Medina

The Capper

Sat., May. 4, 2024

Jedi Training

Sat., May. 4, 2024 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / AI Root Middle School



We  tested our mind muscles with a little Jedi Training… results: we have one Jedi, a lot of promise and some hopeless souls (sorry @Snugglebug… you and I are in trouble)

We placed 11 equally spaced cones around a center point… around 30 yards from the center… then we put a Star Wars character under each… you had to remember where each was… you drew a name from a box and bear crawled to the cone you thought contained your character. If you were correct, you just jogged back to the middle and grabbed another name… if you were wrong, you did 10 burpees, jogged back and bear crawled again to your next guess until you found it.

Second round we switched the location of the guys. Mode of transport was lunge walks and penalty was merkins.

Snug and I did a LOT of burpees. @CHiP did absolutely zero.


a lot of various crunches and some big boys