F3 Medina

The Capper

Sat., Jul. 16, 2022

Nothin’ But Respect

Sat., Jul. 16, 2022 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / AI Root Middle School



@Radio and @Garmin enjoyed a game of catch-pre workout.

– Arm/shoulders
– Grady Corns
– Turn and Bounce
– Tippy Taps
– Flamingos
– Bear Stretch/Calves


PAX completed 5 rounds of suicides to the 50 yard line, with two exercises per round. Exercise 1 performed at the 10 and 30 (10 and 30 reps) and exercise 2 performed at the 20 and 40 (20 and 40 reps), and rune to the 50 yard line.

Exercises completed:

– Merkins – 100 Reps
– Flutter Kicks – 60 Reps
– Plank Shoulder Taps – 40 Reps
– Side Straddle Hops – 60 Reps
– Big Boys – 40 Reps
– Squats – 60 Reps
– Plank Jacks – 40 Reps
– Side Tri Raises – 30 Reps Each Arm
– LBC’s – 40 Reps

Finished with one round of standard-run suicide.



Went 2 rounds – each PAX chose exercise:

– Big Boys
– Plank Hold (low/high/right/left)
– American Hammers
– Freddie Mercury’s
– Heel Touches
– 6” Hold
– Pickle Pointers
– Plank (knee to opposite elbow)


“Somebody took the same situation you’re complaining about and WON with it”