F3 Medina
The Capper
Sat., Aug. 26, 2023
Luck of the Draw
Sat., Aug. 26, 2023 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Medina High School
Various arm stretches
Grady Corns
Runners stretch
Tappy taps
4 PAX circled up in the end zone, and drew from 14 cards, 4 each round, with one exercise correlating to each card, and a certain number of assigned reps.
2. Merkins-20
3. Lbcs-30
4. Mountain climbers-50
5. Big boys-20
6. Overhead press-30
7. Curls-30
8. Rows -30
9. Mozy around the track
10. lunges-20
Jack: Pickle pointers-20
Queen: Flutter kicks-40
King: Shoulder tap plank-30
Ace: cinder block dips-25
Joker: 20 burpees
After completing a round of four exercises, one card drawn by each PAX, we ran the bleachers, for a total of 4 rounds
kept it short today, discussed the various ways we can affect others in ways we don’t even realize, and how people we influence notice the small details even when we don’t know it, or necessarily intend it. challenged everybody to pay attention to the little details this week as we go about our day.