F3 Medina
The Capper
Sat., Nov. 16, 2024
Cluster Bombs
Sat., Nov. 16, 2024 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Medina High School
PAX lined up on the 50-yard line. Rotated through each PAX calling an exercise and either 10, 20, 30 or 40. PAX would run that number of yards and perform that number reps of called exercise. Some exercises completed:
- Merkins
- Wide Merkins
- Diamond merkins
- Mike Tyson’s
- Big Boys
- SSH’s
- Mtn. Climbers
- Flutter Kicks
- Side Tri-Raises
- Squats
- Bonnie Blairs
- Lunges
- Ground Pounders
- Pickle Pointers
Shaquille O’Neal said, “My stepdad was a sergeant in the army-a serious, strong man of character. We had an excellent relationship.
I once played at Madison Square Garden against the New York Knicks in my first season in the NBA. I had a terrible game.
Afterward, he called me and asked why I played so badly.
He wondered if it was the pressure of facing Patrick Ewing and the Knicks. I told him I felt pressure. He said,
‘Tomorrow, I want you home at 7:00 AM. Pick me up-we’re going to see a family that has no home!’
On the way, we encountered a family in need. My stepdad stopped, gave them money for their next meal, and said,
‘That’s pressure. You have everything; you’re weak.
There’s no pressure in playing basketball and earning millions of dollars. Real pressure is felt by those who don’t know when or where their next meal will come from.’ He told me to get out and help that family.
I got out and saw a man with his wife and two children who had just lost their home. The man was looking for work. He told me he was cutting grass. I called a friend and asked him to get this man a job. I called another friend and said I needed an apartment for a family of four, promising to send a check the next day. They needed help.
After that, I never felt pressure in a basketball game again because that family had real pressure.”