F3 Medina

The Capper

Sat., Dec. 7, 2024

Saturday Round Up

Sat., Dec. 7, 2024 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Medina High School



  • Shoulders/Triceps
  • Arm Circles
  • Turn and Bounce
  • Child’s Pose
  • Legs
  • Glutes


PAX circled up with coupons.  One PAX started with 5 reps of exercise 1.  Going counter clockwise, next PAX did 5 reps of exercise 1, then added 10 reps of exercise 2.  Continued around with PAX adding an exercise plus 5 reps.  After one time around circle, we reversed the order, dropping an exercise with each PAX. Exercises completed:

  • Big Boys – 70 reps
  • Merkins – 120 reps
  • OH Press – 150 reps
  • Curls – 160 reps
  • 25 yard mosey – 150 yards
  • Mtn. Climbers – 120reps
  • 35 Second Boat hold – 70 seconds


Continued around circle, each PAX called and exercise and reps.


No history book needed for the significance of December 7th.  The day Japan brought us into WWII, with their bombing at Pearl Harbor.  Many lost their lives that day, but there were also many heroes from that day.

At the time of the attack, Joe George was aboard the USS Vestal, a repair ship moored next to the USS Arizona.  With the devastating damage done to the Arizona, the Vestal was preparing to move away from the Arizona.

Joe George, from his position, spotted 6 trapped men on the Arizona and threw them a line, despite being ordered to cut the connection between the Vestal and the sinking Arizona. One by one, the sailors climbed hand over hand across the rope. All six men made it across to safety—though one succumbed to his injuries a few weeks later, the rest survived.

Joe George passed away in 1996 without official recognition for his heroic actions. However, in 2017, the United States Navy posthumously awarded him a combat medal for his bravery.