F3 Medina

The Hive

Mon., Jan. 17, 2022

Embrace the Suck (Snow) aka Modified Harley Quinn

Mon., Jan. 17, 2022 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



  • Motivator from 10
  • Neck
  • Arm Circles
  • Tippy Taps
  • Flamingos
  • Bear Stretch/Calves


PAX first carved out center of the field.  Then snake run 30 yard, to goal line IOT carve lines in field from 7 inches of snow.3 rounds of exercises each starting at goal line, to 10 Yard, To 20, To 30.

1st Round: All in Cadence

  • Goal line – 10 Shoulder press
  • 10 Yard Line – 10 Merkin Jacks
  • Goal Line – 20 Freddy Mercury’s  10 Slow 10 Fast
  • Suicide 20 yards
  • Goal Line – 30 Flutter kicks
  • Karaoke to 30 and back

2nd Round: All in Cadence

  • Goal line – 10 Man makers OYO
  • 10 Yard Bear crawl and back
  • Goal Line – 20 Plank shoulder taps 10 each arm
  • Suicide 20 yards
  • Goal Line – 30 Bonnie Blairs 15 each leg
  • Backwards run to 30 and back

3rd Round: All in Cadence

  • Goal line – 10 Curls for the Girls
  • 10 Yard Line – 10 8 count body builders OYO
  • Goal Line – 20 4 count Mountain Climbers
  • Suicide 20 yards
  • Goal Line – 30 Coupon Squats
  • Sprint to 30 and back


  • 20 LBC
  • 1 Min of shifting Planks left side and right side
  • 10 Big Bois


If you can’t fly, run. If you can’t run, walk. If you can’t walk crawl. Do what you can but always continue to move forward.