F3 Medina

The Hive

Mon., Feb. 22, 2021

Tour de MHS

Mon., Feb. 22, 2021 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



Stage 1:

  • 100 yards of murder bunnies and bear crawl with bricks.
  • Switch with partner every 25 yards.

Stage 2:

  • 1 minute balls to the wall while partner does We’re not Worthy with bricks.
  • 2 sets of each.

Stage 3:

  • 5 minutes of block pull throughs while partner broad jumps down 5 parking spots and duck walks back. Switch with partner.

Stage 4:

  • One partner “sprints” backwards up the hill and back with bricks while other partner does manmakers.
  • Switch with partner after each “sprint”.

Stage 5: till next time.