F3 Medina

The Hive

Mon., Mar. 20, 2023


Mon., Mar. 20, 2023 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



Neck rolls, look left, look right, look up and down. Arm circles, turn & bounce, tappy taps, tricep stretch behind, head &cross body, Bear stretch, runners stretch and pigeon. 150 yard Mosey to get the blood pumping.


Iron Hulk: One set of 1 Merkin + 4 Air presses, run 25 yards, 1 burpee and return, add a set. Repeat until 10 Merkins + 40 Air presses

Leg Hulk: One set of 1 Bonnie Blair’s + 4 Squats, run 25 yards, 1 burpee and return, add a set. Repeat until 10 Jumping Lunges + 40 Squats

Ab Hulk: One set of 1 Jackknife Crunch + 4 LBC, run 25 yards, 1 burpee and return, add a set. Repeat until 10 Jackknife Crunches + 40 LBCs


See previously mentioned Ab Hulk


“The more responsibility you take on, the more meaning your life has” quote from Jordan Peterson.

Recently I found myself complaining about how a few topics have been handled in the racing league I participate in. I realized that the current board members don’t have any board experience outside the league. As a result they don’t know, what they don’t know. So even though I didn’t want to pursue a position on the board I decided I had the responsibility to run and offer the club the relevant life experiences that I have. I’ll find out the results mid next week after the voting window closes.  Now that I’ve made the decision to do run for the board my outlook has actually changed, I’m now looking forward to making a positive impact. There’s a lot of truth to be found in that quote.