F3 Medina

The Hive

Mon., Apr. 5, 2021

Hopity Hops… DORA Style!

Mon., Apr. 5, 2021 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



Partner 1 does exercise while Partner 2 does secondary exercise
Each Team needs 2 coupons
Each Team will rotate and do tire flips at least once during workout

Dora #1

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 LBC’s
  • Farmers Carry 2 blocks to 50-yard line and back while other partner is doing exercise

Dora #2

  • 150 bicep curls with Coupon
  • 200 Imperial Walkers (Single Count)
  • Run to the opposite 25-yard line and back while other partner is doing exercise

Dora #3

  • 200 Mountain Climbers
  • 200 Chest Presses with Coupon
  • Murder Bunny (Hopity-Hop) to the 30 and back while other partner is doing exercise

Dora #4

  • 100 Bent Rows with Coupon
  • 100 lunges single count
  • Run to the 50-yard line and back while other partner is doing exercise

Rotate DORA
Tire Flip AMRAP until all other teams are complete
Complete what the exercise is for that DORA


Leadership is a skill that a person must learn and master during their lifetime rather than an attribute of their character with which they are born. As a skill, it is like learning to play the piano. If it were an attribute, it would be like having blue eyes or a square jaw.