F3 Medina
The Hive
Mon., Oct. 26, 2020
MBS-ivator: An Homage to Paxtober
Mon., Oct. 26, 2020 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School
French Lick
The workout started with a tumble off the sidewalk on the way to do the VQ. Turns out to be an appropriate metaphor for getting our minds right to face adversity. Get knocked down, get up and move forward. As we laddered through the football field, we always reached our goal (the end zone) for the beatdown. To promote fellowship and exhibit the accountability we have to one another, various exercises were led by Q’s from their earlier Paxtober beatdowns.
- 100 yds – side-straddle hops 10 sets-10 reps IC
- 90 yds – Planks – 9 reps 10 secs
- 80 yds – LBCs (crunches) 10 sets of 8 reps (Q’d by @Money)
- 70 yds – Superman – 10 sets of 7 reps
- 60 yds – Russian twist – 60 reps
(L-R cadence)(thanks for the cadence tips!) - 50 yds – Merkins – 10 sets of 5 reps (Q’d by @Brutus)
- 40 yds – Squats – 10 sets of 4 reps (Q’d by @Shugah)
- 30 yds – Appreciation – 3 ten count breathers
- 20 yds – Triceps crab dips – 10 sets 2 reps
- 10 yds – Burpees – 10 sets of 1 rep (Q’d by @Squealer)
Endzone Dance – aka Guantanamo – 6-inch hold, last person runs around to front and pushes everyone’s feet down and retakes a 6-inch hold at the front of the line. We made a 10-yard rectangle.