F3 Stow

Bulldog Beatdown

Thu., Aug. 24, 2023

It’s always Beach Season somewhere!

Thu., Aug. 24, 2023 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Woodridge High School



the usual, then single count SSH in cadence until 5, then 6-21 in your head with the idea that everyone stops at once. Pulled it off on the first try!


3 rounds of the following exercises:
Step ups
OH presses
Goblet squats
KB swings
1 round was a normal cadence, 2nd round was a fast cadence, 3rd round was a slow cadence (OH presses were tough to count)


Big boys
Flutter kicks
Pass the butter


My thought of the day was simple, which was an encouragement to you men to take a Q. You’ve got support from all the men here to come up with a routine for the day and to help you lead it if you want. We then received a sign at exactly 6:15 that we were done (huge lightning strike)