F3 Medina

Mayhem in Medina

Fri., Jan. 6, 2023

Fitness Test #1

Fri., Jan. 6, 2023 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



A warmup and stretch was followed by 1 mile run (@Barnum with a weighted vest!!!!!) and @Shugah took the lead wire to wire. PAX then performed max merkins. I will post results later. We then played a little 4 corner game that I should have demonstrated instead of explained. We eventually got there though and saw @Garmin Rock, Paper, Scissors, bear crawl, and mosey his way to the winning position and a cool $5 in Starbucks money.


20 rep LBC, BB, American Hammers, Flutter Kick, alt crunch


I think the testing will be great to measure progress throughout the year, but more important is the regular posting. IMHO, the continual, consistent daily discipline is THE thing. That’s why I like how we recognize post milestones (100,200,300!). I love this from Calvin Coolidge;
“Nothing In The World Can Take The Place Of Persistence. Talent Will Not; Nothing Is More Common Than Unsuccessful Men With Talent. Genius Will Not; Unrewarded Genius Is Almost A Proverb. Education Will Not; The World Is Full Of Educated Derelicts. Persistence And Determination Alone Are Omnipotent. The Slogan “Press On” Has Solved And Always Will Solve The Problems Of The Human Race.” – Calvin Coolidge