F3 Copley

The Beastmother

Thu., Oct. 27, 2022

Flo’s greatest hits

Thu., Oct. 27, 2022 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



The thang: 45 seconds on, 15 seconds rest

  1. Forward/backward bending
  2. Monkey humpers
  3. Shoulder screws
  4. Flutter kicks
  5. Bear squats
  6. Side kicks/knee-Ins
  7. Twisting lunges
  8. Twisting plank
  9. Sit through
  10. Windshield wipers
  11. Camel stretch
  12. Stack & Roll
  13. Sprinter lunges
  14. Superman lifts
  15. Windmill stretch
  16. Paratroopers
  17. Back bridge
  18. Mountain climbers
  19. Upward/downward dog stretch
  20. High plank burpees
  21. Table maker stretch
  22. Dips
  23. People’s chair

w/crossed leg

  1. Plank jacks
  2. Pigeon stretch
  3. Jumping lunges
  4. Child’s pose
  5. Tuck jumps
  6. Wiper stretch
  7. Sprint in place
  8. Sprints 100 yards x 2