F3 Brunswick

The Bruck

Wed., Mar. 1, 2023


Wed., Mar. 1, 2023 / 05:30 am - 06:30 am / Lake Brunswick



Backblast: Wednesday, March 1 at, 2023
Some R&R (Reading and Rucking name curtesy of @Padre
AO: Brunswick Lake
Time: 0530 (Sorry @French Lick I should have made a special note for the time change)

Five men ( @Shugah @Padre @Scratch ‘n Sniff @French Lick and @Squid -Q) braved the misty morning to conduct a discussion on the first chapter of “The Willpower Instinct”. I am amazed by the conversation and depth of questions poised by the group. The insights provided were truly amazing and I thank everyone for participating. It was great to hear everyone’s perspective. In preparation for next week’s R&R please read Chapters 2 &3.