F3 Copley

WOD Friday

Fri., Sep. 6, 2024

Iron PAX Week 0

Fri., Sep. 6, 2024 / 05:15 am - 06:00 am / Copley High School



Arm Circles, Tappy Taps, Flamingos, Merkins


Kalsu, Run, Reverse Kalsu

EMOM 5 burpees. Remainder of the minute perform as many coupon thrusters as you can until 100 thrusters are complete.
Run 400m
EMOM 5 coupon thrusters. Remainder of the minute perform as many burpees as you can until 100 burpees are complete.

@IcyHot 21:30
@Misny 23:54


The anticipation os often worse than the thing itself. Relating to today, I knew the workout on Tuesday and thought about how bad it will suck all week. Yet here I am 10 hours after completing it and I realize i completed a very tough challenge, I’m happy with my performance, and I went to work and had great focus all day. Don’t let your anticipation-fear stop you from doing great things!