F3 Medina
The Capper
Sat., Dec. 17, 2022
Kings Suck so Hard
Sat., Dec. 17, 2022 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Medina High School
Mobility exercise mixed with coupon work
“Kings Suck so Hard” card exercise – PAX drew individual cards from a typical deck of 52 cards. ❤️ = crunches, ♦️ = merkins, ♣️ = squats/shoulder press, ♠️ = burpees/man-makers.
Face value of the card = the amount of reps PAX were to complete for that exercise.
Royals were 10 reps of the suit + additional exercises:
Jacks 10 of suit exercise+30 side-straddle-hops after the suit exercise was completed
Queens 10 of suit exercise + run a lap
Kings 10 of suit exercise +10 of every exercise of all 4 suits (hence the name ‘King’s Suck so Hard’ – yes that meant the drawn suit had 20 reps for this card)
Station for drawing cards was set at the M, stations were set for the 4 suits at the corners of the field
Set in 10 minute increments, each PAX had to drew cards to determine where they were traveling to and how many reps they completed when they got there.
Round 1 – farmer’s carry coupon to the corners, required reps, farmer’s carry back
Round 2 – curls for the girls to the corners, required exercise reps, curls for the girls back
Round 3 – rifle carry to the corner, required reps with coupon, rifle carry back
2 minutes of Mary to cap off an already full morning of abs and arm work.
Keep sending the invites! I mean that for whether it’s to the actual beetdowns, faith, or fellowship gatherings. It was great to see some of the crew out for @Radio’s b-day festivities at On-Tap yesterday and I’m glad I was able to stop in for a brewski after work! I know sometimes it’s tough to get guys to commit to stuff. We all lead very full and busy lives, but keep sending the invites. You never know who might need it and who might show up…even if they haven’t been to anything in a while. You might be the reason someone gets pulled back into the fold. I’ve personally had a challenge in my life to hang on to friends. I’ve just never clicked well with people at work, or I’ve been too busy raising all my 2.0s to be able to attend any after-work social events. This group came into my life at a very busy time and I’m so grateful for it. I tried to give @Forrest a few excuses before showing up to my first beetdown, I’m sure…but I’m glad I came and it gave me the chance to meet and to help lead this fine group of outstanding men. I’ve got more I could say, but I’m sure you get the idea. Keep reaching out to potential FNGs! Reach out to guys we haven’t seen in a while and tell them they are missed! SYITG