F3 Copley

The Motivator

Mon., Mar. 25, 2024

March Madness

Mon., Mar. 25, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



Arm Circles, Michael Phelps, Abe Vigodas, Tappy Tapps, The Motivator


Sweet 16 / Elite 8 / Final 4 / Championship 2
-Set 1 = 16 reps for each exercise
-Set 2 = 8 reps for each exercise
-Set 3 = 4 reps for each exercise
-Set 4 = 2 reps for each exercise

Round 1: Merkins/Single Arm Rows with coupon/coupon curls/dips on coupons (All 4 sets)

Round 2: Decline Merkins/Coupon shoulder press/coupon curls/dips on coupon (All 4 sets)

Round 3: Incline Merkins/over head pulls/coupon curls/dips on coupons (All 4 sets)

Round 4: Coupon Squats/Lunges/Monkey Humpers (4 count)/Block Jumps (2 sets 16/8)

90 merkins total for @IcyHot  but no big boys for @Misny 


Do your best to roll with the situation, nothing will be perfect.  Work, kids, and family constantly create stressful situations, but instead of worrying about what is going wrong we should appreciate what is going right.  Enjoy the time you have with others because there is limit to it.