F3 Copley

The Motivator

Mon., Dec. 19, 2022

Merry Liftmas and a happy New Rear!

Mon., Dec. 19, 2022 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



Arm Circles, Michael Phelps, Over head claps, seal claps, tappy taps, Abe Vigodas, flamingos


Mosey to the pull up bars the long way for 10 pull ups and to grab a coupon.

The Thang: Merry Liftmas (6 days to Christmas = 6 Lifts per round) while listening to an amazing sound track of Christmas music that included hits from Lil John’s “All I want for Christmas” to Lemmy from MotorHead singing “Run Run Rudolph”

Round 1
-Merkins X20
-Coupon Squats X20
-Shoulder Press X20
-Big Boys X20
-Curls X20
-Dips X20

Sprint sideline to sideline and back

Round 2
-Decline Merkins X20
-Coupon Forward Lunges X20
-Alpos X20
-Freddie Mercury’s 4 count X20
-Curls X20
-Dips X20

Sprint sideline to sideline and back

Round 3
-Incline Merkins X20
-Coupon Reverse Lunges X20
-Coupon Front Raises X20
-Wipers 4 count X20
-Curls X20
-Dips X20

Sprint sideline to sideline and back

Round 4
-Merkins X20
-Coupon Squats X20
-Shoulder Press X20
-Big Boys X20
-Curls X20
-Dips X20

Sprint sideline to sideline and back

Finish with “The Motivator”


Stay present in the moment and enjoy the opportunity to spend time with your family during this holiday season.