F3 Medina

The Hive

Mon., Jan. 2, 2023

Mod-Murph-New Years Monday

Mon., Jan. 2, 2023 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



12 Pax made it out on this foggy morning. 4 Pax: @Radio @Wall-E @French Lick and @Squealer stayed back to guard the Hive with their modified work out. The remaining 8 Pax: @Brutus @Picabo @Scratch ‘n Sniff @Shugah @Barnum @Padre @Garmin @Rad adventured out for a Mod Murph. We ran the streets to the gazebo (stop 1) in the square. We caught our breath with 25 Merkins, 50 LBC’s, and 75 Squats. We proceeded to run to Medina Public Parking Garage (stop 2) to see if we could get high enough to see over the fog. We took the scenic route up the stairs to the top level. While on that level we knocked out 25 Merkins, 50 Flutter Kicks, and 75 more Squats. As the fog was to dense to see any real land marks. We headed back to the Hive (stop 3) . We met up with the 4 Pax members and knocked out another round of 25 Merkins, 50 LBC’s, and 75 Squats. We were feeling a little froggy so we started a circle of pain until all group members were accounted for.


New Year, New Beginning. Get out there and kill it.