F3 Brunswick


Sun., Jan. 1, 2023


Sun., Jan. 1, 2023 / 08:00 am - 09:00 am / Fenn Elementary



3 Pax made it out for a holiday morning Murph that was delayed to provide some recovery time for NYE festivities, but not delayed long enough to avoid me bitching for 5 minutes about the Buckeyes game last night and causing us to get a late start.

@Shugah was the standard bearer for the day, completing the full Murph (1 mile run + 100 pullups, 200 merkins, 300 squats + 1 mile run) in just over 35 minutes.

@Squid wrapped the full thing up in 58 minutes.

@Squealer got the first run + 18 rounds of modified pullups(x5), merkins (x10) and squats (x15) along with another approximately 1/2 mile run completed in about 54 minutes.

This was a great launching point for a great 2023! Thanks to @Squid and @Shugah for deviating from their normal Sunday routine to join me.