F3 Copley

Bonus (Copley)

Thu., May. 25, 2023


Thu., May. 25, 2023 / 05:00 am - 06:00 am / Copley High School





My thought for today is from a song “Press On” by Martin Doman. This is an old praise and worship song that we would sometimes sing during our family prayer group when I was a kid. It’s stuck with me over the years and the lyrics have been a beautiful thing to pray with. Here’s the part I remember:“So as for me I will press on in running the race
With my eyes fixed on Jesus who inspires and perfects my faith.
I will fight the good fight with all my heart and soul
Until that the day that I’m with Jesus
The day I’m finally home
The day that I have won the crown.”For me, training for the Murph has been a small example of pressing on to achieve a goal. This certainly pales in comparison to pressing on through the challenges of life, but that is what we all must do to achieve the ultimate goal of Heaven.Thanks to all the brothers who helped to push me through! Congratulations to @Misny and @IcyHot for the accomplishment! And thanks to @Flanders for decking out our vests with Murph patches!