F3 Copley

WOD Friday

Fri., Mar. 3, 2023

Murph Training

Fri., Mar. 3, 2023 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



Warmup consisting of neck rolls, arm circles and flamingos. Then we each grabbed a piece of PVC pipe and moseyed across the field to complete the following:
Three rounds of:

  • 10 Sampson stretches (5each leg)
  • 10 overhead squats
  • 10 big boys
  • 10 Superman’s
  • 10 merkins
  • 10 pull-up’s

Three rounds of:

  • 5 pull-ups
  • 5 squats
  • 5 merkins
  • 10 air squats
  • 5 merkins

Four 400m runs with a three minute rest in between each lap.


My message for today is about the importance of having spiritual reminders around us to draw our focus back to God. Shout out to my wife, she is a wonderful homemaker and has beautifully decorated our home with pictures, statues, crucifixes, books… you name it. All of these things continually remind me of the beauty and importance of my faith. They keep me grounded and help me to find peace among the storms of life.

Recently I had a conversation with a friend about the annoying distractions that phones can be. He mentioned that he changed the background on his phone to a spiritual picture and it has helped him to be less distracted. I started looking for a picture of Saint Joseph because, among many other things, he is the patron saint of families and fathers. I found the picture below and it is now set as the background on my phone. It is a continuous reminder to me of who God is calling me to be… a husband, father and ultimately a saint.