F3 Medina
Mayhem in Medina
Fri., Mar. 3, 2023
Rock of Ages
Fri., Mar. 3, 2023 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School
We rocked through the ages starting with Elvis in the 50’s and added a rep for every decade of rock.
Coups=stepups/block merkins/OH Press
20 reps each mini crunch, bicycles, gas pumps, 40 reps big boys
Taking the good with the bad.
Missed a connection on the way home and got home in the early morning Tue. Was really pissed when it happened and then had to calm down. It came to me the miracle of being sent through the air while sitting in a steel tube and then arriving home safely. We are really fortunate to have these first world problems and I need to constantly remind myself of the good fortune I have.