F3 Medina

Mayhem in Medina

Fri., Jan. 27, 2023

Runnin’ Wild in the Streets!

Fri., Jan. 27, 2023 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



10 Pax stayed upright this morning with out slipping on the streets of Medina.  @Radio@Shugah@Dash@Squid@Wall-E@Garmin@Churchill@Brutus@Padre, and @Rad (lead) We managed to do some stretching to prep us for our moseying of exploring spots to get some core in. Our first stop was the furthest away with heading to the square. We got in a round of LBCs x50, Mekins(Americans) x25, Dips x25, and Squats x50. We then proceeded to want to elevate our workout and moseyed over to the public parking garage and took the stairs up the the top floor. No abs were showing this morning so squats x25, merkins x25, and lbc’s x25 were completed. Headed back down the stairs to hit the streets and moseyed back to the MHS. We then knocked out more merkins x25, squats x25, lbc’s x25, crunchy frogs x25.  Clock was still and  ticking and squeezed in another round of squats x25.