F3 Copley
WOD Friday
Fri., Aug. 4, 2023
Sled day!
Fri., Aug. 4, 2023 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School
We did flamingos, tappy-taps, bear squats and two laps around the track for a warmup. Then we hit the sled for about half an hour before wrapping up with some Mary – 25 big boys, 25 4-count flutter kicks and 25 4-count pass the butters.
Yesterday was my first beat down in a while and it felt so good to be back! Prior to the workout, I was just mentally off. I was thinking about some regrets that I have and just got caught up in the negativity of my thoughts. Afterward, as I was pulling out of the parking lot, I felt incredible peace. I just thanked God for always being with me and for this group and the brothers that I have come to know through it. I often fall into the trap and lowering F3 on my list of priorities when life gets crazy, but yesterday I was reminded that F3 is a big part of my foundation. It helps to sharpen the tools that I need to be the man that God is calling me to be.
I know we say it all the time, but here’s another reminder to headlock a brother who hasn’t been to a beat down in a while or invite an FNG who’s been on your mind.