F3 Copley

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Tue., Feb. 28, 2023

Sneak Attack

Tue., Feb. 28, 2023 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



30 second intervals.
In the first 30 second interval, do 2 kettlebell swings
Your rest is the time between when you finish the prescribed number of reps and when the next interval starts.
In the second 30 second interval, you’ll do 2 push ups ..
In the third 30 second interval, you’ll do 1 KB goblet squat
And in the fourth 30 second interval, you’ll do 1 burpee.
That’s one round.

Keep the timer going, and start “climbing the ladder”
So the second round looks like this:
– 4 swings
– 4 push ups
– 2 squats
– 2 burpees
And the third round looks like this:
– 6 swings
– 6 push ups
– 3 squat
– 3 burpees
Continue in this fashion until no longer possible.
A score of “7” is solid – that would be getting to:
– 14 swings
– 14 push ups
– 7 squat
– 7 burpees
“8” is great …
“9” is elite …
“10” is your MAX score:
– 20 swings
– 20 push ups
– 10 squats
– 10 burpees


Prayers for clarity and confidence in the decisions we make.