F3 Medina

The Hive

Mon., Jun. 5, 2023

The Hive

Mon., Jun. 5, 2023 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



8 PAX had no motivator but a ton of motivation in getting through the paces this morning. @Shugah @Garmin @Wall-E @Cadet @Focker @French Lick @Radioand @Churchill
Killed the Bear slides, Battleropes,Blocks and Bags in 3 rounds: 1.) Bear slide/step up/bag clean and toss/wave rope 2.) bear slide and mosey/block swing/bag pull thru/jump slam rope 3.) Gator slide and mosey/murder bunny/SSH/burpee battle rope.


  • knee tucks w/ frisbees
  • LBCs
  • roll-outs w/ frisbees
  • big boys
  • 6″ lifts and spreads


R3: the third response skill in Above the Line behavior: “step up”. Respond, right now with discipline. Take action in a disciplined way. Answer the two questions; does this decision align with my values? Does it help others?  I see these examples in the integrity and the service of the F3 community. Love being a part of it and love the fellowship all of you provide me. I hope I can return even a small measure and again I hope you know how much I appreciate all of you.