F3 Medina
The Capper
Sat., Oct. 21, 2023
Tour de Medina
Sat., Oct. 21, 2023 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / AI Root Middle School
We started with a round of warm ups and stretching. Our theme this morning was “leave no man behind, but leave no man where you left him” we this was true until we left @Wall-E at the stadium. He was our exception this morning. The rest of the pax adventured out into the gloom to stay mostly dry…
Our first stop was Medina Square to get in some core:
40 Squats
20 Merkins
30 LBCs
We continued on to the Sully’s garage roof top for some more core:
40 Squats
20 Merkins
30 LBCs
We mosey’d back through the square to run up to the roof at the parking garage on the other side of the square. We got in some more core:40 Squats
20 Merkins
30 LBCs
As we headed back to see what Wall- E was up too. We stopped for another round of 40 Squats at the Middle School.
We found our way back to MHS using roads we didn’t no the names for. (Not the best decision by the Q). I pointed out we accomplished 2.70 miles in. @Garmin was feeling strong and asked if we could get 3.10 miles in. So, without hesitation we ran to get Wall-E on the track. We all headed to the parking lot for COT.