F3 Copley

WOD Friday

Fri., Jul. 8, 2022

Turbo’s “back”, Dora pays a visit

Fri., Jul. 8, 2022 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



neck rolls, yes/no, shoulder rolls, Michael Phelps, obliques stretch, back and hammy stretch, runner stretch, bear sqauts, Motivator


Dora style 2 man teams, one does exercise on goal line while teammate bear crawls to 25, sprints to 50, does 5 burpees and 5 – 2 count Bonnie Blair’s, returns sprint/mosey back to goal line. Switch and repeat as team to get exercise counts complete at goal line. Exercises at goal line were 100 Merkins, 200 Big Boys, 300 Air Squats per team.


heel touches, left and right oblique raises


As parents, the way we respond or react to culture, people, family, etc. shapes the way our kids see the world. They learn from us whether we are intentionally teaching them, but more so from watching us interact with others and with culture. A good question to ask ourselves might be: “what are my actions and reactions teaching my kids?” If we want our kids to love like Jesus, our actions and reactions as parents should represent Jesus ‘s heart.