F3 Medina

The Hive

Mon., Dec. 2, 2024

Modified Brenton WOD

Mon., Dec. 2, 2024 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



Motivator and stretchy things


There: 30 yard bear crawl
Back: 3 burpees, broad jump… repeat until back to goal line
Recovery: 400m
Repeat for time


25x LBCs, Crunchy Frogs, Side LBCs (L/R)


I shared a story how @Squid and I have started a journey to better understand our truth behind what it is to be a (better) man. I shared the recent experience of learning the four core “how to be good at being a man” virtues (courage, strength, mastery and honor) from “The Way of Men”… and the moral “how to be a good man” layer (being a “keeper of the Garden”) introduced by “The Men We Need”… I shared all this not necessarily as a testament to our journey… but more so in hopes to encourage anyone who is struggling with the emptiness that comes from too much comfort to embark on a journey… one that pushes your spiritual, emotional, physical growth…

Very honored to be alongside you all this morning busting ass at a workout that wasn’t easy… in conditions that weren’t comfortable… thank you.