F3 Medina
Ruckin' Around
Thu., Aug. 3, 2023
Chippewa Rail Trail
Thu., Aug. 3, 2023 / 06:00 am - 07:00 am / Medina High School
A six PAX hit the trail, and enjoyed some new scenery, or at least scenery we haven’t enjoyed in several months. @Shugah @Focker @Dash @Radio @Donkey and coming in hot @Padre.
We began with some location challenges, as @Forrest and @Radio neglected to put the address in the preblast. Oversight on our parts. To make up for it, @Padre was tantalizingly close to a world record in the dismount and load portion of the ruck. As it was, he set a PR before declaring that he just wants to be loved the way he wants to be loved. These words were spoken to @Focker. No word yet on whether @Focker fulfilled the request. @Donkey only came in seconds before @Padre, and truth be told, was the reason we weren’t already on the trail. Nice save by the Donk! @Shugah was near the back, so all I heard him say was, “I just ran back-to-back-to-back four minute miles. I think I might be sweating! @Radio and @Dash discussed how crappy everyone is at showing up for 2nd F events, and how we’re thinking about pulling a mutiny and working out at the opposite end of the football field from now on. Or something like that.
Congrats to @Rad, as he’s only 5 DRs away from his goal. After Monday, it appears that @Squealer has an insurmountable lead in HC no-shows!