F3 Medina

The Hive

Mon., Feb. 21, 2022

House of Cards

Mon., Feb. 21, 2022 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



Various stretches (including a really good new one – Good Mornings) followed by a 100 yard ladder (every 10 yards)


Suite dictates exercise, number dictates reps.

50 SSH buy in

First half deck

  • Hearts = Burpee over coupons
  • Diamonds = Coupon Curls
  • Clubs = Coupon Swings
  • Spades = Straight Leg Sit-ups

60-second rest

50 SSH buy in

Second half deck

  • Hearts = Coupon clean and press
  • Diamonds = Shoulder Taps
  • Clubs = Coupon bent over row
  • Spades = Air Squats

50 SSH


Partner leg slaps 60 seconds each