F3 Stow
Bulldog Beatdown
Thu., Jul. 27, 2023
Thu., Jul. 27, 2023 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Woodridge High School
Stretches, and form running warm up. Butt kickers. High knees. High impact/Mario Bros.
Did 200M run with exercises at the corners. Jogged curve, uptempo straights. Each corner was a merkin exercise plus core exercise. Occasional Mt Climber.
Merkins, elevators, diamond, BOOYAH, Alligator.
Leg lifts, elevator, box cutters, Golden Arches, plank, Freddie Mercury/bicycle.
struggle and challenges are part of the “Cost of being Human” just like there’s a cost of doing business. It’s a tough truth, but it is A truth. And knowing it and believing it can help us move forward, and helps us reach the “Profit of being Human”. (For bonus points: Google Colbert and Anderson Cooper. SC quotes some Lord of the Rings/Tolkien.)
He comments on the idea of Learning to love the thing you most wish had never happened. …if being grateful for life is important (it is) so is being greatful for ALL OF life. Learning to value struggle and challenge, not in a sadistic way, but in a healthy, balanced way… Can lead to a more complete understanding of the human experience—our own, and the experiences/struggles of others. And those understandings can lead to a more complete life, and the profits of being FULLY human…