F3 Copley
The Beastmother
Thu., Nov. 10, 2022
One HITT Wonders
Thu., Nov. 10, 2022 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School
Arm Circles X15 forward and backwards, Michael Phelps, Arm Swings, Flamingos, Tappy Taps X10, Bear Squats, and a short mosey down to the field the long way stopping at the 50 yard line
Chumbawambavator – SSH with a burpee on the “I get knocked down” refrain, you can thank @Blitzkrieg for introducing this concept to us
10 Pullups then pick up a coupon TABATA
– 45/15 for 4 rounds, 5 exercises per round
- High Knees
- Shoulder Press
- Mountain Climbers
- Scissor Jumps
- Curls
- Squat Jump Twist
- Merkins
- LBCs
- Burpee with high knee step
- Dips
- In and outs (over the line and back)
- Alpos
- Imperial Walkers
- Apollo Ohno’s
- Curls
- Coupon Squats
- Decline Merkins (feet on block)
- Pickle Pointers
- Jump Squats
- Dips
Two ideas have been permeating my brain, my intense focus on what I do wrong and how our children view everything we do.The first point has always been a struggle, I constantly look at my flaws and beat my self up about them, sometimes it helps me improve, but most of the time it actually sets me back. It adds stress, it interferes with relationships with others, and it can get in the way of my pursuits. In the NYT article I found the best example of what we should be doing, Myron Rolle former NFL safety now neuro surgeon believes we should be striving to get 2% better every day and celebrate that improvement. When you take your goals and break them down and attempt to get a little bit better at them every day they don’t see insurmountable. It is when we pile it all together that we become frustrated and angry about our lack of progress even depressed. Just like breaking down a new exercise in to multiple steps, we need to break down our goals and work on them 2% at a time.My second idea stems from an old saying “You may not think your kids are listening to you, but they are always watching”. They are watching us react to someone who cuts us off, they are watching us react to bad call in a sports game, they are watching us get in fights on the side line, they are watching us deal with tragedy, they are watching us celebrate a success at work and they are watching sulk due to a failure at work. What do you want your kids to see? When you loose a job do you want them see you just complain about the company or the boss, or do you want them to see how you go out and find a new job? When you get an unfair penalty called against your team, do you want them to see you get tossed out of the game and have that live on YouTube for the rest of your life, or do you want to show restraint and kindness? Some one might say “What would Jesus do?”, but maybe we should look it at “What would you want your kids to do?”, because they are watching.