F3 Brunswick
Watershed Wallop
Thu., Sep. 1, 2022
You’re a blockhead, Charlie Brown!
Thu., Sep. 1, 2022 / 05:45 am - 06:30 am / Neura Park
Scratch n Sniff
A.) Pay Lucy 5 cents, for Psychiatric advice
Pax chose exercise, Q chose rep count
5 man makers
25 Squats
5 man makers
19 DLs
5 man makers
32 Pickle pointers
5 man makers
31 Dips
5 man makers
30 Oblique crunches
5 man makers
48 lunges
5 man makers
30 alternating leg raises
5 man makers
41 curls
5 man makers
(And Lucy finally deemed us a ‘man’)
B.) Help Snoopy escape The Red Baron:
1 mile mosey around the lake
C.) ‘Blockhead’ Butter Pass (30 reps clockwise and 30 reps counterclockwise)
Stand back-to-back, in a large circle; plant feet; rotate at waist and pass coupon from 1 person to the next, FAST
In Luke 19. We learn about Zacchaeus and his reputation as the chief of tax collectors in Jericho. Zacchaeus was despised, even by others in his already much hated profession. Yet, Jesus saw beyond that and the person underneath.Jesus saw the beautiful human soul inside of Zacchaeus. Jesus went to his house to be with him and his family.Do you ever feel that your character might be a little dirty or unworthy? He loves you as you are, but wants to help you be better. Invite Him into your heart and home. And, do the same for others.