F3 Copley
The Beastmother
Thu., Mar. 23, 2023
Thu., Mar. 23, 2023 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School
Pax performed every exercise from the Deck Of Death in cadence. We skipped one exercise, The Luge??, so sometime today you guys owe me 10 Luges. Just don’t perform them in public .
Today I spoke about doing the hard thing. We all have heard it before, go outside your comfort zone and do what’s hard to get better. Most of us think we are doing the hard thing by getting up early and posting in the gloom or going for that run when it’s 10 degrees outside. But I would bet that all that actually comes pretty easy when you think about it. People outside of F3 think getting up and working out at 530am is hard and crazy. But it is pretty easy to be honest. What’s hard for me is locking in my diet. I am not talking about eating some fruits and vegetables now and then. I am talking about attacking my diet the way I work out 5 days a week. Having a plan and sticking to it. No days off, consistency. That is hard, that borders on impossible for me. That is what I need to work hard at, WORK HARD AT WHAT’S HARD!