F3 Medina


Wed., Sep. 22, 2021

2 Minute Drill

Wed., Sep. 22, 2021 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



  • Mosey around Football field
  • 10 yds of each of following: Imperial Walkers, Lunges, Side lunge facing left, Side lunge facing right, Ground touches.
  • Arm circles, Lat/Tri stretch


The following exercises done in rotation on 2 minute Interval with 15 second rest. Mostly done to exhaustion with the 2 minute mark:

  • Burpee
  • Carolina Dry Dock
  • Cross Handed High Row
  • Cross Block Merkin
  • Combo Curl/ Tricep Press
  • Bent Row
  • Thruster ( Combo Squat/Shoulder Press)


  • Freddy Mercuries
  • LBC
  • Dr. W
  • Hi/Lo Plank Series