F3 Medina

Ruckin' Around

Tue., Apr. 23, 2024

Medina Square

Tue., Apr. 23, 2024 / 05:52 am - 06:52 am / Medina Square



3.27 miles of the roughest terrain Medina had to offer.    @Squealer had a particularly tough time, considering his balls were dragging the ground the entire way.   He had the added burden of explaining to @Churchill the various bylaws followed by the many organizations for which he serves.  It sounded like @Decoy @Cadet and @Solyndra were having a dance party at the back of the pack.  Music, laughing, I think I even saw a flask making the rounds.   No such luck at the front, where @Dash was waxing poetic against breakfast being the most important meal of the day.   @Radio did ask him what time it was, and his reply was “Big Titties!” Maybe he was distracted.