F3 Medina

Ruckin' Around

Tue., Sep. 17, 2024

Medina Square

Tue., Sep. 17, 2024 / 05:52 am - 06:52 am / Medina Square



Ten PAX played where’s @Shugah, but no one came out a winner, even after covering 3.25 miles.  Then again, no one thought to ruck to Brunstucky.  @Wolowitz @McCracken @Churchill @Redman @Cadet @Donkey @Modell @Dash @Garmin @RadioThings were pretty laid back this morning, as the boys are still getting used to the sub 60 degree temps.  To be entirely honest, I’m not even sure who walked with whom, as my conversation with @Dash was so damn riveting, I never looked around.    I think @Redman talked @Churchill into snuggling up to the old grey bush, but @Cadet got a little jelly.  I do know that @McCracken put on the racing shoes this morning, and surged near the front of the pack…nice progress Phil!  Kudos to @Wolowitz for his continued efforts to salute everyone in the circle!  It ain’t easy being smarter than all the guys you hangout with   (not that I would know).  @Donkey continues to be the model of consistency…running, rucking, rucking, running, he’s putting in the miles!  @Garmin?  Well, let’s just say he’s a hard man.  Finally, there’s @Modell.  The guy has one job, yet, he didn’t check the weather this morning.