F3 Medina
Ruckin' Around
Thu., Mar. 2, 2023
Smokin’ the Ruck Out of It
Thu., Mar. 2, 2023 / 05:52 am - 06:52 am / Target Parking Lot
Five PAX hit the mean streets near @Shugah‘s home, and lived to tell of it. @Shugah @Dash @Barnum @Padre @Radio put in 3.04 miles of walking and talking, complete with @Shugah‘s quest for a t-shirt empire, and @Dash‘s sound financial advise on how to invest the millions. In my quest to shake off the fatigue of the early morning run, I didn’t catch much of @Padre and @Barnum‘s reliving the memories of growing up in the greater Buckeye Territory, but I did hear something about sheep. Whichever part of the group you fell into, the mood seemed to be festive at the end, and we were all quite grateful that @Dash survived his near run-in with a phone-entranced, teen driven sedan. Thank God for headlamps!