F3 Medina

Ruckin' Around

Tue., Jan. 28, 2025


Tue., Jan. 28, 2025 / 05:52 am - 06:52 am / Medina Square



11 PAX wanted to see what 30 degrees at 5:52am actually felt like.  @McCracken @Shugah @Focker @Cadet @Churchill @Squealer @Padre @Redman @Garmin @Dash @Radio all got in over 3.1 miles on an icy trek. I believe @Squealer was the only PAX to actually hit the ground this morning, but it wasn’t for lack of trying be the rest of us.    The only prudent thing to do was call an audible, and head for the streets before @McCracken was on his back flailing like a cockroach .  @Focker wanted us to take “deep dives”, so @Cadet obliged by unloading on delayed flights, snow removal, parents who don’t plan very well, and people who don’t want to pay for his services. @Dash and @Radio slowly talked him off the ledge, and his wife and daughter can feel safe at home again.  The pace was certainly on the slow side this morning, but under the conditions, everyone should be happy they got it in!  Good times boys!