F3 Medina
Ruckin' Around
Thu., Feb. 23, 2023
Thu., Feb. 23, 2023 / 06:00 am - 07:00 am / Medina High School
3.2 miles of high intensity ruckage! Okay, maybe I’m overplaying that just a bit. @Padre @Shugah @Dash and a watchless @Radio hit a simple down and back from Jaycees Park and down the Champion Creek Trail. Surprisingly, our shoes stayed pretty dry. @Padre was back in the groove with some pearls of wisdom, which included, “closed minded people can find something wrong with anything they aren’t promoting.” Or something close to that. @Shugah is getting serious with the power tools, and talking about tearing out a wall in his house. Could we turn that into a Q? We also noticed how the shortage of school bus drivers has given the current drivers carte blanche to go 78MPH in neighborhoods, and not have to worry about losing their jobs. @Dash is pretty sure he could take them on his bike though! Speaking of @Dash, he has mastered playing 18 holes with a hangover from the night before…just ask him! I just needed half the ruck to recover from the run.