F3 Medina

The Capper

Sat., Jan. 27, 2024

Channeling my inner Brutus

Sat., Jan. 27, 2024 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Medina High School



Stretchy stuff in the seldom used east endzone


PAX lined up on the goal line, sprinted until they broke form/lost power, etc.  At that point they did the prescribed exercise, then walked back and repeated.
Round one:  Three Flying Squirels
Round Two:  Five American Hammers
Round Three:  Seven Crunchy Frogs
Each round was ten minutes
Just for fun, we all did a final 25 yard sprint, nine plank jacks and walked back


My dad told me years ago, what you do is different from who you are.  We are  all more than the job listed on our business card or LinkedIn profile.  For instance, @Padre is a man of God, and a father, @Dash is an intellectual, a motorcycle racer, and a damn handsome man.  @Squealer is a man of rare ego, a passionate politician, and a connoisseur of fine cocktails.  @Shugah is so many things, I don’t have space to list them.  In addition to being a hard man, and a damn fine father, @Garmin doesn’t want to be a pirate.  Remember this with others you meet, as well as with yourself.