F3 Medina

Mayhem in Medina

Fri., Sep. 20, 2024

Iron PAX week 2

Fri., Sep. 20, 2024 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



The usual in the West End Zone


Iron PAX, week 2


What does F3 mean to us?  For @Wall-E it was the next step, after training for triathlons for years.  He’s grasped it, and never let go.  His days have never been better.  For @Padre it fits the “discipline breeds discipline” mantra in his life.  He’s up, he’s at ’em, and he’s thriving before 7AM every day.  My point was to randomly pick two PAX, and see what F3 means to them.  Their answers were thoughtful, yet already locked and loaded.  These feelings are always close to the surface.  You can dig deeper, and probe more, but F3 is there every day for those of us who need it/want it/embrace it.
I’m out until next Friday.  I leave the rucks in the capable hands of @Churchill on Tuesday and @Dash on Thursday.
Prayers for Sue and the Sutton family, as she battles bone cancer.  Continued prayers for Lilly and Carrigan.  Prayers for the MHS Cross Country teams, as they travel to Louisville, KY this weekend.  And I ask for prayers for safe travels, as I embark on a week of planes, trains, and automobiles (there may even be a boat thrown in there as well).  Always a pleasure and an honor men!