F3 Medina
Forrest’s Fun Run
Tue., Feb. 15, 2022
Frigid Ruck ‘n Run
Tue., Feb. 15, 2022 / 05:30 am - 06:00 am / Medina Pavillion
5 Pax Ran @Shugah @Forrest @Lincoln @Squid @Scratch ‘n Sniff
— we ran 3.25 miles with a narrated tour of Medina provided by @Lincoln for our Brunswick friends. Started with the Gazebo, then the Medina Historical Society home, and AI Root. @Forrest managed to get lost on a new route and @Shugah used his old Indian guide trick to lead us to safety. @Scratch ‘n Sniff managed to guide him self into a buffalo chicken dip crop duster. Great run and we thank @Squid for joining us on the venture.
4 pax rucked @Radio @Picabo @Cadet @Dash
— @Radio led the 3.1 mile ruck through the mean streets of Medina. Per @Picabo….. It was a good route. Ruckers need to spice up the report next time. I’ve got some leftover buffalo chicken dip if anyone wants spice up that ruck.
I did also mention there is a Shamrock Run in March 13th starting on the square Sunday morning. I plan on signing up. It’s a 5k run….or ruck if you want.