F3 Medina

Forrest’s Fun Run

Tue., Oct. 24, 2023

Medina Lake

Tue., Oct. 24, 2023 / 05:15 am - 12:00 am / Medina Pavillion



@Shugah put in 75 miles before joining the rest of us for the scheduled run time.   Then @Shugah and @Snugglebug rolled together at a brisker pace for 3.2 miles. @Donkey was back in the saddle with a knee thing.. didn’t seem to affect him whatsoever, us he’s sporting a new lighted vest. @Brutus @Forrest @Donkey stuck together for 2 miles , @Forrest  walked the rest in with @Radio  so he had some company. No mosquitoes finally at this AO. I bet Buckeye Woods is mosquito free now as well. :thinking_face: