F3 Medina

The Hive

Mon., Dec. 20, 2021

4 for 5 Retake

Mon., Dec. 20, 2021 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



  • Dynamics – High Knees, Butt Kickers, Leg swings
  • Arm Circle Medley
  • Tappy Taps
  • Runner Stretch
  • ¾ lap Mosey to Grab Coupons line up on Goal line


A mix of 4 of exercises hitting Lower Body, Upper Body, Core and Cardio to Five Classic Boston Tunes.

Song 1 Don’t Look Back (6:00)

  • Leg – 20 coupon calf raises
  • Core – 20 flutter kick 2 is 1
  • Upper – 20 curls with coupon
  • Cardio – backward down and forward back 50 yd line

Song 2 Peace of Mind(5:03)

  • Leg – 20 backward lunge (1 is 1)
  • Core – 20 shoulder taps (1 is 1)
  • Upper – 20 Coupon Shoulder presses
  • Cardio – Karaoke down R/L and forward back

Song 3 Cool The Engines (4:23)

  • Leg – 20 Coupon Squats blocks
  • Core – 20 American Hammer (2 is 1)
  • Upper – 20 Over Across Merkens on Coupon
  • Cardio – high knee run back

Song 4 ForePlay/Long time (7:47)

  • Leg – 20 monkey humper
  • Core – 20 Freddy Mercury (2 is 1)
  • Upper – 20 Bent Rows
  • Cardio – sprint there and jog back


  • Big Boys
  • LBCs
  • Plank Series